Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sudden Jihad Syndrome

Daniel Pipes has an excellent article about the danger within are own borders.

Until his would-be murderous rampage, Mr. Taheri-azar, a philosophy and psychology major, had a seemingly normal existence and promising future. In high school, he had been student council president and a member of the National Honor Society. The Los Angeles Times writes that a number of UNC students found him "a serious student, shy but friendly." One fellow student, Brian Copeland, "was impressed with his knowledge of classical Western thought," adding, "He was kind and gentle, rather than aggressive and violent." The university chancellor, James Moeser, called him a good student, if "totally a loner, introverted and into himself."

In fact, no one who knew him said a bad word about him, which is important, for it signals that he is not some low-life, not homicidal, not psychotic, but a conscientious student and amiable person. Which raises the obvious question: Why would a regular person try to kill a random assortment of students?

The case of Taheri-azar shows just how widespread the Jihadist ideology is embedded within the Muslim community in the West. With Europe already faltering before an ever expanding Muslim population determined to impose Sharia on Europe (who's multicultural obsessed leaders seem determined to do everything to assist) how long before this trend hits Canada? My prediction within the next generation or two Canadians will ether be submitting to Sharia or be forced to fight to preserve our way of life from the Jihadists. War clouds have already began to form Europe's just the begging.



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