Saturday, March 11, 2006

Canada vetoes key UN motion on refugees

OTTAWA -- Canada voted against a controversial resolution on Palestinian rights at the United Nations yesterday, an early sign that the new Harper government is aligning its Middle East policy more closely with the views of Israel and the United States.

It's about time we took a position on this issue. Though as far as I'm concerned a lot more good could be accomplished if the UN was abolished. Again and again the UN passess measures to the detriment of Israel, while encourging terrorists to slaughtere innocents. Have the Israelis kept their hands clean? Of course not, but they at least have been open to the idea of peace while the "Palestinians" have repeatidly rejected peace, or talk peace while they slaughter more innocent lives. This news has of course upset enemy sympathizers in Canada.

Hussein Amery, the president of the National Council on Canada-Arab Relations, said that unlike the Liberals, the Conservatives did not even consult with Canadian Arab and Muslim groups before making such a significant policy shift.

"Now we [Canada] sit isolated, alone with the United States, against a resolution calling on Israel to allow displaced persons and refugees to return home. Is that the kind of image we want to project to the international community?" Mr. Amery said

Mr. Amery fails to mention that the resolution would flood Israel with thousands of potental terrorist operatives or sympathizers.


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