Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Canada to Stay the Course

It good to see that Harper is willing to stand his ground on Afghanistan. What would it say to the world if Canada where to call it quit's because the going got tough? We've got to ask ourselves, are we committed to helping people only if we don't have to get our hands dirty? Am I the only one who remebers Rwanda?

Canada won't "cut and run" from Afghanistan, says Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and there's no need for a House of Commons debate that could potentially sap the morale of troops overseas.
Harper suggested Tuesday that a parliamentary vote on the mission would be a foregone conclusion anyway because his government supports it and he expects the Liberals - who made the original commitment - also support it.
"Canadians don't cut and run at the first sign of trouble," he said. "And when we send troops into the field I expect Canadians to support those troops, in particular those who made that decision."


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