Monday, February 20, 2006

Time For A Kurdish Nation?

As a supporter of the Iraq War, I'm pulling for Coalition Forces to stay the course until Iraq can stand on it's own, but I must ask myself, Would it be better for all involved if the northern part of the country was to become an indepeandent nation, Kurdistan? Iraq after all is not a "natural" country ( by natural I mean it did not evolve they way the nations of Europe or most of Southeast Asia did, rather it was created by colonial powers who often pit one ethnic group against another to maintain control). Perhaps the time has come to consider the creation of Kurdistan? The Kurdish north is after all much better off then the rest of the country. As Michael J. Totten reports Kurdistans foundations are already being laid.

"ERBIL, IRAQ – Iraq may not survive in one piece. The overwhelming majority of Iraqi Kurds are packing their bags. Most have already said goodbye. Erbil (Hawler in Kurdish) is the capital of the de-facto sovereign Kurdistan Regional Government. Baghdad is thought of as the capital of a deranged foreign country.

In January 2005 the Iraqi Kurds held an informal referendum. More than 80 percent turned out to vote. 98.7 percent of those voted to secede from Iraq. Not only have the Kurds long dreamed of independence, when they look south they see only Islamism, Baathism, blood, fire, and mayhem.

If Middle Easterners had drawn the borders themselves, Iraq wouldn’t even exist. Blame the British for shackling Kurds and Arabs together when they created the new post-imperial and post-Ottoman map. The Kurds do. They call the W.C. (the “water closet,” i.e. the toilet) “Winston Churchill.” Several times when my translator needed a bathroom break he said “I need to use the Winston Churchill.”

Course the Turk's will go nuts if the Kurds ever declare indepeandance.


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