Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Nazi Invasion of America

Lightning in the Night
By Fred Allhoff
Published 1940 in Liberty Magazine

Written in 1940 in serial format, Lightning in the Night, is a what if scenario. Allhoff asks what if Hitler gained mastery in Europe? Hitler wins in 1940 aquiring British, French and Dutch overseas colonies. After 5 years of consolodating his power (including betraying his Italian allies) Hitler occastates a war with America. Japan and Russia (believing that there has been a break in the Axis alliance) attack Pearl Harbor, using chemical weapons to inflict massive civilian casualties, however the fleet escapes. Hitler strikes at Panama, using his own chemical weapons, seizing the canal and splitting the American fleets. Well Japanese and Russian submarine fleets are mauled by the US the Red and Japanese armies invade Alaska, push through Canada and capture Washington state only to face partisan bands who maul the invaders but do little to slow the actual invasion. The Germans begin air raids, devastating New York before invading. Despite stiff resistance the Americans are slowly pushed into the mid west (the Mexicans try invading from the south but after initial success are pushed back by American counterattacks). The US Navy, after hard fighting gains control of the Atlantic but the Nazi's control most of the countries industrial areas. At Cincinnati, Hitler and the President meet. There the Nazi's surrender after it is learned America has succeded in creating Atomic Bombs and threatens to destroy Germany. The Invaders quickly retreat ending the conflict...for now. Well overly optamistic at times (hey, it IS propaganda) the ending does suggest that the U.S. and Germany well engage in a Cold War (Germany's atomic research was a month or so behind the US's in the story). Well written, recommanded for anyone who's wondered what might have happened had things gone differently.

*** out of ****


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